Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm Bored!! Ep. 1

It's quiet. Too quiet. All I hear is the 7th grade gym class and my friend humming a song next to me. I'm bored in study hall. *sigh* I'm tired (refer to the last post), so I don't feel like overachieving and getting ahead right now. Time for some Google Autofill!!

Today's entry: are _____

1. Are mermaids real?

2. Are you being served?
I assume this is a reference to pop culture. If it isn't, you must be at a restaurant. If you're googling this, the answer is probably yes, you're server is just busy.

3. Are we there yet?
No. Be quiet. If we're still driving, we're not there yet.

4. Are shingles contagious?
Only by direct contact with a blistery case of shingles.

5. Are you afraid of the dark?
Um... Why are you asking Google if it's afraid of the dark? Are you looking for a companion to share your fears of the dark? I'm sure you could find someone to be scared with at the nearest horror movie showing.

6. Are ear infections contagious?
idk. If it's contagious by direct contact, I hope you didn't get it. If you did, how in the world did you come in direct contact with someone's ear? I'm getting worried about how many medical entries there are in Google Autofill. I highly suggest consulting actual doctors.

7. Are aliens real?
... YES.

I have seven minutes left. I'll make it from here.

Best Wishes! -Richie