Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Year Gone By

I'm a very nostalgic person. I like things that look back at the past, be it photos, stories, or videos from years gone by. That may be one reason why I want to carry my video camera around everywhere. Seconds are flying by at lightning speed. What are we doing to store them? Sure, your memory can retain quite a bit of information, but there's nothing like a "hard-copy" of your memories, tangible evidence of the things you've done.

A few weeks ago, Google posted a video that condenses the major events of 2012 into a mere two minutes and forty-six seconds.

After watching this video not only was my hope in humanity restored, but I was inspired to look back at my own year. So I got to looking through photo and video databases of my family and friends searching for the best moments of my year (I don't take pictures myself). I was amazed at how many pictures there were. I thought there would be maybe forty usable pictures of events from 2012, but NO!!! There were, as my best friend likes to put it, a butt ton of pictures. As I got to assembling the video, I ran out of room at the end! The friend section ended up being really short, and I didn't want to go through the video and eliminate what I had already done. There will be so many unused pictures from the past year, it almost makes me sad.

For some odd reason, Blogger isn't listing the video under my uploaded videos. So I'll make a link to it here. Oh well. My OCD side will survive.

Hey, it's me from the FUTURE. I learned about this thing called embeding... so yeah. Here ya go.

Here's to a new year!

Best wishes! -Richie